If you’re enjoying the Soul Care Mom Substack I’d be delighted if you’d consider upgrading to a paid subscription (an incredible value at less than a cup of coffee ☕️).
When you upgrade, you’ll get access to monthly Sparkle Notes, audio coaching notes that will help you step into your most Vibrant self. Plus, get access to the transformational course, Compassionate Motherhood, that’ll help you release mom guilt, lean into deeper self-compassion, and create a life infused with self care. 💖
Hi Love,
Can we talk about procrastination for a minute?
Not the "I'll just watch one more episode" kind, but the deeper kind that shows up when something feels...off.
You know that feeling when you're trying to force yourself to work on something, but it's like pushing against an invisible wall? I used to beat myself up about this, calling it procrastination or lack of discipline.
But here's what I've discovered...
Often, what we label as "procrastination" is actually our inner wisdom trying to tell us something important.
It's a signal that our energy and our vision aren't in alignment.
Think about those magical days when everything just flows.
When you're in your zone, and tasks that normally feel heavy suddenly feel light as air.
When you look up and realize hours have passed because you were so beautifully immersed in what you were doing.
That's what alignment feels like.
And the difference?
It's not about forcing yourself to be more productive or checking more boxes. It's about tuning into your energy and allowing it to guide you toward what truly matters.
So, how do we work with this wisdom instead of fighting it?
When you feel that resistance, try:
💚 Pausing to check in with yourself: Close your eyes and simply notice how you feel about the task. Your body often knows what your mind hasn't processed yet.
💚 Getting curious instead of critical: Ask yourself "What's making this feel heavy right now?" Sometimes it's not the task itself, but the story we're telling ourselves about it.
💚 Breaking down the resistance: Is it the entire project that feels off, or just one aspect? Often, realigning just one small piece can shift the whole energy.
💚 Giving yourself permission to pivot: Maybe the timing isn't right, or perhaps the approach needs adjusting. Trust that wisdom.
Here's the beautiful truth:
When we stop treating procrastination as the enemy and start seeing it as a messenger, everything shifts. It becomes less about pushing through and more about flowing forward.
So next time you feel that resistance, take a breath. Listen to what it's trying to tell you. Your inner wisdom knows the way - sometimes it just needs a moment to be heard. 🫶
And right now, when you upgrade to a paid subscription, you’ll receive monthly audio coaching notes from me!! These Sparkle Coaching Notes are intuitive guidance that will help you intentionally step off the hamster wheel of life and find yourself again.
Because you deserve to feel like YOU!
These coaching notes are a snippet from the transformational coaching program Vibrant Mom Life ($147/mo value). With an upgraded membership here on Substack you’ll get access to this incredible coaching guidance for less than a cuppa a month! ☕️
If this feels aligned for you, go ahead and tap that upgrade button!! 👇
I would love to support you inside! ✨
Sending you Love Always,
Let us know what’s coming up for you in the comments, Love. 💕✨
Love Notes From Soul Care Moms…💌
“This gives me feel good vibes. I just love these little nuggets you share…it makes you think and I love that!” - Kaitlin S.
“Love this note, I sure can relate.” - Paula A.
“Reading this felt like a nice exhale 🫶” - Kaitlyn R.
If you’re ready to step into more ease, joy & confidence on your motherhood journey click the button below to subscribe or upgrade!! Become a paid member to get access to monthly Sparkle Audio Coaching Notes and Compassionate Motherhood, a transformational course that will help you to release mom guilt, say “yes” to self care, and deepen your self-compassion.💖
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Everything shared is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. I share in the hope that it will help you feel empowered and inspired. Always seek the guidance of a trusted health professional for your unique journey.
You are loved. 💖
Love this reframe Catherine! And I think it’s so true, often our procrastination is a sign that something else is going on for us.
Love the idea of seeing procrastination as a messenger. Great way to flip the script!